Glenn Harrington, Founding President
Rich McAvan, Principal
Bernie Janssen, Principal
April Szeto, Principal
All staff members are strongly encouraged to seek full membership with the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects, complete with professional seal. This means that when you speak to a representative of Harrington McAvan Ltd. you are speaking to someone who has undertaken the rigorous examination process and someone who has proven technical abilities.
We are members of the following professional associations:
- OALA - Ontario Association of Landscape Architects
- CSLA - Canadian Society of Landscape Architects
- OSSGA - Ontario Sand, Stone & Gravel Association
- ISA - International Society of Arboriculture
- CLRA - Canadian Land Reclamation Association
- CWRA - Canadian Water Resources Association
- SWCA - Soil and Water Conservation Association
- CPTED - Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design